Evaluation Options


An online instance of LIMS*Nucleus is available for evaluation. You are limited to creating 10 plates per plate set. Data is refreshed nightly.

username: demo
password: demo

Install on AWS EC2

Install your own personal instance on Amazon following directions provided here. This method installs Guix, sets up a guix channel, and pulls the LIMS*Nucleus software. Requires a t2.medium instance on AWS.

Install using a Guix Pack

For users not interested in the Guix package manager, LIMS*Nucleus and all its dependencies have been collected in a Guix Pack. You can use this install script to install the LIMS*Nucleus client and optionally the database. Suitable for use with the t2.micro free tier instance of Debian on AWS or local installation. This will be the best option for most users. Follow the video here. Detailed step by step manual installation instructions with troubleshooting tips here.

Install on Windows 11 wsl2

Windows 11