Area 51

…In Central Intelligence Agency parlance, there are two kinds of strategic deception: cover and disinformation. Cover induces the belief that something true is something false; disinformation aims to produce the belief that something false is in fact true. In other words, cover conceals the truth while disinformation conveys false information. When the CIA disseminates false information, it is always intended to mislead. When the press disseminates false information that helps keep classified information a secret, the CIA sits back and smiles.

…Spying on Russia and defying Soviet airspace was one thing; lying about it after being caught red-handed made the president look like a liar in the eyes of the world. In 1960, American presidents were expected to be truth tellers; there was no public precedent for lying. [editor’s note: amazing how times have changed. Maybe we are just more aware of how corrupt our politicians are.]

Roswell Incident notes:

  • Post WWII German engineers who migrated to the US worked on the atomic and H bombs. Those who migrated to, or were captured by Russia worked on wingless flight - what we would refer to as “flying saucers”.

  • Stalin was observant of the chaos induced by the radio theatre War of the Worlds. He noticed how easily duped Americans were and planned to sew chaos amongst American with flying saucers transporting “aliens”.

  • Josef Mengele was promised refuge in Russia if he engineered humans, either genetically or surgically, to appear as aliens. The passengers on the wingless aircraft the crashed at Roswell were teenagers with macroencephaly - large heads, bulging eyes - which gave them the appearance of what one might expect an alien to look like as presented by Hollywood.

  • The crash was an accident. The remote controlled aircraft was supposed to land, the “aliens” walk out and the press and public go hysterical.

  • The interior controls of the craft are labeled in Russian.

  • Much concern at the time that Russia had wingless technology, a novel propulsion mechanism, as well as radar evading capability.


  • Bob Lazar only mentioned briefly. He was a dupe introduced to Area 51 and selectively shown information in the hope he would “reveal” just enough to keep the the alien stories alive.

  • The US has most likely reverse engineered the propulsion system of the Roswell saucer and many of the UFO sightings today are spy planes/saucers of either Russian or American origin.

  • Details remain classified so as not to release the capabilities of current aircraft, as well as to hide human experiments carried out by the CIA/Atomic Energy Comission that occurred at Area 51.

  • Alien hysteria serves the purpose of obscuring information the government wants the citizenry to ignore e.g. recent alien info releases coincided with both John Durham reports, relegating that information to below the fold.

  • Note that releases of new alien information are always termed “newly released” i.e. old information that is being released again - nothing “new”.
