Currently in the middle of season 5, enjoying the characters and witty humor. Surprised by the in-your-face, over-the-top homosexuality. The scenes with David and Patrick fondling and groping each other are some of the most cringe worthy I have ever seen. Schitt’s Creek provides Dan Levy with a voice, and he is using that voice to normalize homosexuality. He has said that no scenes of homophobia will be portrayed on the show. Everyone in town is accepting of this new normal. We are just one big happy accepting family. Can’t we all just get along? As long as my ideas of normalcy are promoted.
The cesspool we know as Hollywood has decided to amplify Levy’s voice. Schitt’s Creek swept the emmys winning this and that category but I think the real message is “we approve of this (homosexuality) and you should too. This is good. This is the new normal. This is who we are, and if you disagree then you are the hater with the problem”.
Sexual liberation is a slippery slope beginning with delegitimizing marriage and moving on to the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, polyamory, and pedophilia. Thirty years ago if you told an SNL audience member rolling in laughter at Eddie Murphy’s gay bashing monologue that in 2020 not only will you be accepting of but you will be “celebrating” homosexuality, they would have been incredulous. Thirty years from now, not only will you be accepting of, you will be “celebrating” pedophilia. We will have Pedophile Pride Parades. Your employer will provide you with unconcious bias training to remove any negative feelings you have about pedophilia, and if you resist, you will lose your job, livelihood, career, and possibly family.
Ironically, as Hollywood tries to gorge us on their propaganda, Justices Thomas and Alito question the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that led to same sex marriage.
Embracing homosexuality, along with consumerism, feminism, globalism, and secularism are the nails in the coffin of our culture. There is little room for compromise - citizens will have to take sides. Civil War is imminent.
The US is in its final stage as an empire - decadence. The upcoming Presidential election gives us an opportunity to postpone the impending civil war for another four years. Who will carry the torch in 2024? I hope it is not too violent - for the children.