Civil War Two

Currently reading Civil War Two by Thomas Chittum, written in 1997. Prescient.

Once the majority falls below 90%, potential for problems (p117):

Southwest will be the first to go. Look for falling real estate prices, the first sign of white flight. Are Cubans aligned with Mexican Latinos? Maybe initially re:strength in numbers. I can imagine South Florida descending to status of shithole country with the combination of diversity, rising sea levels, and sinking property i.e. not just sinking property values but actual sinking of the land.

Descent is a multi-stage process (p74)

1 Foundational phase
2 Terrorist phase
3 Guerilla warfare
4 All out continuous warfare

We are probably in stage 3 of the decent to civil war (p78):

The civil war checklist begins on p150. Below are some items that have come to pass:

