To get everything working in clojure a few modifications need to be performed. First in project.clj you must add javahelp as a dependency, and indicate the resource path where you will store the helpset. By default leinengen will create a MyProject/resources
directory and I placed my helpset in a subdirectory there:
project.clj 1 2 3 4 5 6 :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0" ] [ "2.0.05" ]] :resource-paths ["resources" ]
In core I only show some of the required namespace additions and the menu entries.
core.clj 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (:require [ :as io] ) (:import []) (menu :text "Help" :halign :right :items [(action :handler (fn [e] (let [helpURL (io/resource "helpset/pmhelp.hs" ) hs (new nil helpURL) hb (. hs createHelpBroker) dummy (. hb setCurrentID "assaytype" ) dummy2 (. hb setDisplayed true )])) :name "Help" :key "menu H" :tip "Launch help app." )
I have 2 dummy variables in there so I can use the let expression, but I could rearrange using doto:
core.clj 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (menu :text "Help" :halign :right :items [(action :handler (fn [e] (doto (.createHelpBroker (new nil (io/resource "helpset/pmhelp.hs" ) )) (.setCurrentID "assaytype" )(.setDisplayed true ))) :name "Help" :key "menu H" :tip "Launch help app." )
I prefer the let method. Though it has those messy dummy variables, I can more clearly decipher what is going on. Code available on github