Previously I was working with Jekyll, the most popular static web generator. As I have an interest in Nodejs (and not in Ruby), I wanted to use a site generator that would give me practice with Node. Hexo was the most popular according to staticgen. I am working with the default “Landscape” theme.
1 |
Install hexo-render-pandoc and modify /node_modules/hexo-render-pandoc/index.js:
//var args = [ ‘-f’, ‘markdown’, ‘-t’, ‘html’, ‘–mathjax’, ‘–smart’];
var args = [ ‘-f’, ‘markdown’, ‘-t’, ‘html’, ‘–katex’, ‘–smart’];
1 |
$hexo new draft mypost
in the lostnation directory
will create the post in the _drafts subdirectory.
File title will be ""
There will be a subdirectory "mypost" that will hold other content (figures, data etc.)
When ready:
$hexo publish mypost
Will create 2016-12-06-mypost directory and file.
$hexo generate
will process all files into html
$hexo serve
will start a local web server. The local site can be inspected at
$hexo deploy
will upload to your web server. FTP parameters are in _config.yml
Hexo deploy
For deploy to work:
update ~/.netrc with site / username / password (for manual ftp diagnosis)
chmod 600 ~/.netrc
1 | machine login password mypassword |
Must generate an FTP user and assign a home directory.
cpanel automatically generates a home directory different from what I want - so change.
1 | # Deployment |
hexo deploy will fail silently without debugging info. Manually ftp to diagnose. Better yet, avoid it entirely.
Use rsync, which is faster and can perform incremental uploads, something hexo deploy can’t do.
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The slash after …/public/ is necessary to transfer everything under ./public but not the public itself.
…/public will transfer ../public/…
add items in: /home/mbc/lostnation/themes/landscape/_config.yml
# Header
Home: /
Archives: /archives
About: /about
rss: /atom.xml
get rid of the extra comments link in /home/mbc/lostnation/themes/landscape/layout/_partial/article.ejs
comment out:
Templates are found in the scaffolds directory.
Modify to include categories, comments: true etc.
Anything included in the template will end up in the draft (or post).
RSS icon
icons from CSS
in theme modify layout/_partial/header.ejs
<% if (theme.rss){ %>
<a id="nav-rss-link" class="nav-icon" href="<%- theme.rss %>" title="<%= __('rss_feed') %>"></a>
<% } %>
<a id="nav-search-btn" class="nav-icon" title="<%= __('search') %>"></a>
<div id="search-form-wrap">
<%- search_form({button: ''}) %>
up near other links
prefer to use my favicon across the entire site, so I’ve linked to the favicon in my theme config. I use Landscape, the default theme included with Hexo.
At the bottom of the file, you’ll find a section titled Miscellaneous.
# Miscellaneous
favicon: blog\themes\landscape\source\css\images\favicon.ico
the _config.yml in the themes must look like:
# Miscellaneous
favicon: /css/images/favicon.ico
Theme customization
contains image path
indicate banner and icon here
in header.styl
1 | $logo-text |
Bulk process
Sometimes e.g. during the migration from Jekyll to Hexo, I need to bulk process md files.
Set up process, backup, source, and destination directories.
Below are some useful sed commands for bulk processing
sed -i 's/{% highlight r %}/{% codeblock lang:r %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight text %}/{% codeblock lang:bash %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% endhighlight %}/{% endcodeblock %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% endhighlight %}/{% endcodeblock %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight sql linenos %}/{% codeblock lang:sql %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight lisp linenos %}/{% codeblock lang:lisp %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight r linenos %}/{% codeblock lang:r %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight html linenos %}/{% codeblock lang:html %}/g' *
sed -i 's/{% highlight elisp linenos %}/{% codeblock lang:elisp %}/g' *
sed -i 's/\/figs\//\/lnsDFoKytr\/figs\//g' *
sed -i 's/{{site.baseurl}}//g' *
sed -i 's/^permalink:.*//g' *
sed -n '/highlight/p' *
sed -n '/playstyle AA^{&̲#39;}/p' *
grep -nwl "playstyle " **/*.md
To copy and move around processed files
Pre modification clean directories:
1 | rm /home/mbc/process/_posts/*.* |
working _posts is THE _posts directory used by web
copy from working _posts to processing _posts:
1 | cp /home/mbc/lostnation/source/_posts/*.* /home/mbc/process/_posts/ |
modposts is where I modify posts
cd /home/mbc/process/modposts/
Recharge the modposts if an error was made
1 | rm /home/mbc/process/modposts/*.* |
change working posts:
1 | rm /home/mbc/lostnation/source/_posts/*.* |
Post modification backup to the cloud:
1 | rm /home/pl/owncloud/web/lostnation/source/_posts/*.* |
Hexo has horrendous error messages - no indication of the file giving the error.
Note also that md files in _drafts will be processed, so any errors there need attention.
Sometimes a keyword will pop out of the error output. Search across files with:
grep -Ril “highlight” ./
R: recursive
i: ignore case
l: show file name, not error
./: where to start looking