Arch Linux setup on Dell Inspiron 1720
install script at
to make a bootable flash drive:
also download sha1sums.txt
sha1sum –check sha1sums.txt (can eliminate all entries of no interest)
sudo blkid -o list -c /dev/null to see what USB is called
dd if=archlinux-2013.09.01-dual.iso of=/dev/sdb (!not /dev/sdb1)
pacman -Syu for a system upgrade
Do not use Unetbootin!
check /etc/hosts
Alt-F1 to switch to tty1
cfdisk /dev/sda1
Name Flags Part Type FS Type [Label] Size (MB)
sda1 Boot Primary Linux 160000
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# lsblk /dev/sda1
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
# nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
use the rit server
Server =$repo/os/$arch
# pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel
# genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# nano /mnt/etc/fstab
# arch-chroot /mnt ;;use this to switch to /mnt
# nano /etc/locale.gen and uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
;;;try /dev/sdb1, then /dev/sdc1 etc for usbs
# locale-gen (should see en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8… info)
# echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# loadkeys us
# setfont Lat2-Terminus16
# nano /etc/vconsole.conf
echo KEYMAP=us > /etc/vconsole.conf
echo FONT=Lat2-Terminus16 >> /etc/vconsole.conf
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/US
# ln /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern /etc/localtime
# hwclock –systohc –utc
echo arch > /etc/hostname
# nano /etc/pacman.conf
# passwd root
;;to add user archie
# useradd -m -g users -G wheel -s /bin/bash archie
# passwd archie
# pacman -S sudo
# pacman -S grub-bions
# grub-install –target=i386-pc –recheck /dev/sda
# cp /usr/share/locale/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES/ /boot/grub/locale/
must correct bug by editing /etc/default/grub
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# pacman -S ntpd i3 dmenu chromium
######for hp server
systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp2s15.service
uses 8139too and 8139cp. do not black list anything
do not need to add modules in rc.conf
# exit
# umount /mnt/home
# umount /mnt
lspci | grep # reboot
# pacman -S base-devel
mkdir ~/builds install tar.gzs in here and build
adjust mirrors in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
$ cd ~/builds
$ tar -xvzf foo.tar.gz
$ cd foo
$ nano foo.install
$ makepkg -s
# pacman -U foo-0.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz upgrade command
$ pacman -Qm list foreign packages
# pacman -Syu upgrade entire system
# pacman -R package_name remove package but not dependencies
# pacman -R package_name remove a single package
# pacman -Rs package_name remove package and dependencies
$ pacman -Ql package_name files installed by a package
$ pacman -Qdt list all orphaned files
$ whoneeds package_name packages needed by a package
# pacman -U /path/to/package/package_name-version.pkg.tar.xz install local package
–install software—————————-
pacman -S unzip
pacman -S xulrunner
pacman -S pkgtools
pacman -S alsa-utils
pacman -S awesome
pacman -S git
pacman -S wget
pacman -S acpi (battery monitor and other stuff)
pacman -S libunistring required for Guile
pacman -S evince to read pdfs
– /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ——————
uncomment the mirrors
pacman -S xf86-video-intel
chmod 755 /dev/mem
sudo shutdown -h now
$ wgetpaste </path/to/file>
$ rm -r dir to rm dir and contetns
sudo chown -R mbc /home/mbc recursive claim ownership
pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-utils xorg-server-utils xterm
$ lspci | grep VGA
# pacman -S xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm
$ rm ~/.xinitrc (for testing)
pacman -S xorg-drivers (provides mouse support, 38 packages, may be able to reduce )
user must be made member of audio group
#gpasswd -a mbc audio (mbc is user login id)
must relogin for it to take effect
alsamixer turn speaker and headphones up;
headphones seems to control speakers!!!
speaker-test -c 8
—–manage keys——————————
pacman-key –init
pacman-key –populate archlinux
pacman -Syy
#to refresh keys
pacman -Sc && rm /var/lib/pacman/sync
pacman-key –refresh-keys
pacman -S desktop-file-utils
git clone
exec xulrunner /path/to/conkeror/application.ini “$@”
chmod 700
–USB stick—————————————
mkdir /mnt/usbstick
sudo blkid -o list -c /dev/null to see what it is called
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbstick
sudo chown -R dad /mnt/usbstick ( -R for recursive)
# cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty –noclear -a USERNAME %I 38400
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl disable getty@tty1
# systemctl enable autologin@tty1
# systemctl start autologin@tty1
autostart X
~/.bash_profile include at end (spaces important)
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx
shutdown now
LAN card
# lspci | grep -i Ethernet
$ ping -c 3
wifi module: ipw2200
pacman -Ss 2200-fw (2200BG Calexico2 is the card)
Create directory in compliance to /etc/passwd, usually there will be already a /home/login entry.
Copy initial files from /etc/skel
And finally set right permissions:
mkdir /home/YOU
cd /home/YOU
cp -r /etc/skel/.* /etc/skel/* .
chmod -R go=u,go-w .
chmod go= .
for inspron1720
# lspci | grep -i Ethernet
ip link set eth0 up
# lspci | grep -i net
# ip link set wlan0 up
# iwlist wlan0 scan
# iwconfig wlan0 essid “GFPF1” key 1F9024CF7C
# chatham ancientgiant595
#iwconfig ;;and look for name
#iwconfig wlan0 to check access
wifi-menu to generate config file
netctl enable wlan0-GFPF1 (config file is in /etc/netctl)
pacman -S ntpd
systemctl enable ntpd
Android developmment————————
pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
download and unzip android-sdk_r16-linux.tgz
unrar x avd.rar
sudo chown -R mbc /home/mbc recursive claim ownership
cd /android-sdk-linux/tools/
$ ./android