Obtain street addresses
We would like to associate trees with street addresses when possible. When collecting tree data, we could also make note of the nearest address. Since we are collecting longitude/latitude data anyway, it would be convenient if we had a list of street addresses with associated longitude/latitude. This would allow us to auto-populate an address field based on longitude/latitude data. How does one obtain a list of all street addresses in town with longitude/latitude data? Let’s start with obtaining addresses alone. Addresses are availble commercially e.g. from the post office, but for a substantial fee. Since this is a volunteer effort, I want to see what I can get for free. Our town publishes property assessments on a regular basis, but this is hardcopy in the local paper. Though assessments are available online, it is through a query interface providing one at a time, with no obvious way to download the entire list. I was able to find our town’s street sweeping schedule which supplies a list of all streets in html format:
Copy paste into a text editor and with a little manipulation in R, I can get a vector of street names:
1 | > rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) |
Looks like about 561 streets total. From my hardcopy assessment I learn that:
- Most streets don’t begin with 1 as the first address
- Addresses aren’t consecutive - there can be many gaps in numbering
- Most streets have fewer than 200 addresses
- A few of the main streets have up to 1600 addresses
Query for GPS coordinates
To obtain street addresses with lng/lat data I will use the DataScienceToolkit Google Style geocoder. To obtain coordinates I need to submit an address that looks like:
1 Aberdeen Road, Arlington, MA
This will return a data set that looks like:
[{“geometry”:{“viewport”:{“northeast”:{“lng”:-71.188745,”lat”:42.424604},”southwest”:{“lng”:-71.190745,”lat”:42.422604}},”location_type”:”ROOFTOP”,”location”:{“lng”:-71.189745,”lat”:42.423604}},”types”:[“street_address”],”address_components”:[{“types”:[“street_number”],”short_name”:”1”,”long_name”:”1”},{“types”:[“route”],”short_name”:”Aberdeen Rd”,”long_name”:”Aberdeen Rd”},{“types”:[“locality”,”political”],”short_name”:”Arlington”,”long_name”:”Arlington”},{“types”:[“administrative_area_level_1”,”political”],”short_name”:”MA”,”long_name”:”MA”},{“types”:[“country”,”political”],”short_name”:”US”,”long_name”:”United States”}],”formatted_address”:”1 Aberdeen Road Arlington MA”}]
You can see that lng= -71.188745 and lat=42.424604. I want to submit algorithmically, using a post to their URL. The post will look like:
I also want to count up the street addresses beginning at 1. This will give me a lng/lat for every address depending on how the geocoder handles addresses that don’t exist. Let’s find out.
1 | > |
Allen Street addresses begin at 12 so it looks like we will assigned lng/lat to nonexisting addresses. 1 and 2 share the same lng/lat. This also happens at the high end e.g. if the highest address is 100, 1 through 100 will be assigned unique lng/lats, and then the lng/lats become constant. Modify the code to stop querying once both lng and lat aren't changing.